Overall Budget: € 50 000 +
Sectoral Group: EuroMIM
Contractors: Fraunhofer Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS
Freeform PIM is the use of 3D-printed mould inserts that provide the part geometry in the injection moulding step. The feedstock-filled insert will be ejected after the injection moulding step, and the printed part then chemically dissolved to release the green part. Following this additional insert-removal step, the original processing route continues with the green part.
Project activities (to be tuned via the survey, see below):
- Testing of feasible features (dimensions, tolerances, quality, etc.)
- Translation of print part properties to PIM part properties
- Implementation of process chain for several feedstocks, e.g. regarding green strength and compatibility with the chemical removal process of printed structures (depending on the number of participants and budget)
- Deduction of construction guidelines for print parts
- Development of an improved strategy for a base mould concept and possibly implementation of the mould concept (depending on the number of participants and their feedback)
- Implementation of moulding simulation for more efficient insert part production and shortening of setup time for injection moulding runs