MSIT Seminar on Rare-Earth (RE) Materials & Magnet Technology

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The MSIT Seminar on Rare-Earth (RE) Materials and Magnet Technology offers a unique opportunity for professionals in management and technology to gain comprehensive knowledge about the entire supply chain of magnetic materials. This includes everything from RE ore resources, mining, concentration, and separation to transforming them into RE oxides and metals, alloying them into magnet powders, and processing them into various types of magnets.

We cover global sourcing and supply, recent economic developments, and the geopolitical factors affecting magnetic markets and technologies worldwide. The seminar will also delve into the materials science behind the properties, technology, and applications of magnets.


The seminar will primarily focus on permanent magnets and the supply of the raw materials required for their production. It will begin with the fundamentals of RE elements and magnetism, including the principles of RE permanent magnet chemistry, thermodynamics, and structure, along with measurement techniques. By illustrating the processes from mining to magnet production and recycling, we aim to close the loop for sustainability and environmental protection. The seminar will also explore applications, the future of global markets, and new opportunities for global sourcing.

Everything you need to know about magnets, all in one place! View the program.


This event is designed for business and technology managers, as well as employees across various industries involved in the supply chains of permanent magnet production and application markets. This includes:

Business managers,
Research staff and leaders,
Materials specialists,
Material manufacturers,
Production managers,
Application specialists,
Sales managers and staff,
Purchasing managers and staff,
Quality managers,
Magnet users, and others.
Our goal is to enhance communication between material manufacturers, magnet producers, design engineers, and customers.


We are excited to feature some of the world’s leading experts in magnet production and materials science as speakers at the Seminar on Rare-Earth Materials and Magnet Technology.

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