Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzoldt (Ingenieurbüro Dr. Petzoldt)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzoldt studied physics and received his doctoral degree from Technical University Clausthal in Germany. He is working with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM) in Bremen since 1984 in different job positions. In 1993 he became Head of the Powder Technology Department, and in 1999 he was appointed Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IFAM. Prof. Dr. Petzoldt has well over 100 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He is lecturer both at the University of Bremen and the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven and has been appointed to professorship in 2013.

Mr Georg Breitenmoser (Parmaco Metal Injection Molding AG)


Georg Breitenmoser (1956) holds a Materials Engineering degree of the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich, Switzerland (1981) and a Master degree in Business Administration of the Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo (CalPoly), California, USA (1989).

He held an R&D position at a Swiss producer of welding consumables from 1981 to 1987. In this position he also worked as a consultant to licensees in South America, South East Asia and China.

In 1989 he founded his first company, Breitenmoser & Keller AG, which is a Swiss producer of radiators. He kept working there until 2011, when he sold the company. Georg’s involvement in Powder metallurgy dates back to the early days of MIM when in 1992 he founded Parmaco Metal Injection Molding AG, Fischingen, Switzerland which today is one of the leading European MIM producers.

Parmaco Metal Injection Molding AG has been a member of the EPMA since 1993 and has won several EPMA component awards.

The EuroMIM was formed out of the successful three year MIM Thematic Network “MIMNet” which finished in October 2000. EuroMIM had its inaugural meeting in January 2001. The group’s objectives are to:

  • Develop the potential and capabilities of MIM.
  • To promote MIM to end users in particular to promote EuroMIM Group members specialties
  • Provide a united European voice to the outside world

Membership and Structure

The EuroMIM Group covers over 60 companies from across Europe and from all parts of the MIM supply chain. The group elects two co-chairs one from industry and one from academia, who lead a small working committee of four or five members. The current co-chairs are Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzoldt from IFAM Bremen and Mr Georg Breitenmoser from Parmaco Metal Injection Molding AG.

Activities and Results

The group has been involved in a range of activities and has achieved several successes including the production of the “Introduction to MIM” booklet the production of two Draft EU standards and participation by its members in an annual benchmarking programme.